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US Budget Deficit Shrinks $1.6 Trillion on Record Tax Surge

US Budget Deficit Shrinks $1.6 Trillion on Record Tax Surge

May 11, 2022

The US federal government’s budget deficit has shrunk by some $1.57 trillion so far this fiscal year, driven by record receipts from a strong economy and a slowdown in spending as pandemic-era programs fade. The …


Prices in US Outstrip Forecasts in Sign of Inflation Persisting

May 11, 2022

US consumer prices rose by more than forecast in April, indicating inflation will persist at elevated levels for longer and keeping the Federal Reserve on the path of aggressive interest-rate hikes. The core consumer price …

Inflation Got You Down? At Least You Don’t Live in Argentina.

Inflation Got You Down? At Least You Don’t Live in Argentina.

April 25, 2022

Shopkeeper Jonathan Faez has a word of advice to people around the world obsessing about inflation: Chill out. “I have friends in the United States and Spain and they’re telling me they’re going crazy with …

Europe is still buying russian oil

Europe Is Still Buying Russian Oil, but It’s Now Harder to Track

April 25, 2022

WSJ Login: Russia ramped up oil shipments to key customers in recent weeks, defying its pariah status in world energy markets. One increasingly popular method for delivery: tankers marked “destination unknown.” Oil exports from Russian …

Fed’s Powell Seals Expectations of Half-Point Rate Rise in May

Fed’s Powell Seals Expectations of Half-Point Rate Rise in May

April 21, 2022

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell signaled the central bank was likely to raise interest rates by a half percentage point at its meeting next month and indicated similar rate rises could be warranted after that …