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Elon Musk to buy Twitter in $44 billion deal

Elon Musk to buy Twitter in $44 billion deal

April 25, 2022

Twitter said Monday it has agreed to sell itself to Elon Musk in a roughly $44 billion deal that has the potential to expand the billionaire’s business empire and put the world’s richest man in …

Bloomberg News

Bloomberg News Now Available in Digital Format

March 23, 2022

First American News: Bloomberg News now arrives on your phone, tv, and other smart devices Take Bloomberg digital and Bloomberg Tv at the office or on the road with this great offer 5-year digital subscription …


Western Sanctions Bite Russian Economy, but Pose Unpredictable Risks

March 1, 2022

Despite short-term recession and long-term harm, Russia’s behavior may not change, and Western governments face complex potential repercussions. The conventional wisdom until last week was that sanctions had limited influence on a nation state, especially …

Walmart Withstands Pandemic Blows, Higher Costs to Boost Business by Bloomberg Subscription

Walmart Has Kept Strong Sales Throughout The Pandemic Period And Increased Cost To Boost Its Business

February 19, 2022

First American News LLC-Raleigh, NC: Walmart Inc. is the country’s largest retailer by revenue has helped it navigate higher supply-chain and wage costs, labor shortages, and rising prices. During an interview, the retailer said it …

Warehouse Space Is the Latest Thing Being Hoarded by bloomberg digital subscriptions

Warehouse Space Is the Latest Thing Being Hoarded

February 2, 2022

First American News LLC, Raleigh, NC: Logistics firms are finding new options to deal with a scarcity of storage, including building multistory facilities and choosing locations farther from coastal ports. As retailers and logistics companies …